
Gingrich Not Crazy Enough for the GOP?

DoktorNo11/23/2011 10:05:25 am PST

Well, Newt Gingrich’s case is more and more weired, that it seemed before…

“Current primary frontrunner Newt Gingrich is often referred to as one of the leading “intellectuals” of the Republican Party. Gingrich has encouraged this view, even suggesting that the $1.6 million in consulting fees he received from Freddie Mac were for his services as a “historian.”

In recent years, Gingrich’s historical output has been mainly confined to a series of co-authored war thrillers and alternate histories. But he does indeed hold a Ph.D. in history from Tulane University and taught the subject at West Georgia College during the 1970s.

Curious about whether Gingrich’s background as a historian does, in fact, shed any light on his current views, I decided to give a read to his 1971 doctoral thesis on the unlikely topic of Belgian Education Policy in the Congo: 1945-1960. “