
National Review's John Derbyshire Publishes Stunningly Racist Article at White Nationalist Site

Nyet4/06/2012 3:42:42 pm PDT

OK, let me go through this site a bit. First of all, there’s this positive review of Tomislav Sunic’s book:

A polyglot Croatian scholar, Tomislav Sunic, provides in his newest book, Homo Americanus: Child of the Postmodern Age, reasons that a good European should distrust the US.

Sunic is *deep* in the network of neo-Nazis (without embellishment - see Carolyn Yeager) and white supremacists. Google “sunic reason radio”.
Indeed, the reviewer continues:

A foreword by Kevin MacDonald, known for his controversial arguments about the destructiveness of the Jewish impact on gentile society and culture, may unfairly bring Sunic flak. His own critique stays clear of anti-Jewish tirades and of the tasteless flattery of American Jews heard among some Christian Philosemites.