
When It Pays to Talk to Terrorists

researchok9/04/2012 11:07:43 am PDT

re: #6 Destro

Be assured no 0one will ever mistake you for a scholar of any kind. Ever.

As to your question, ‘How is it bullshit?’ the answer is quite simple.

Being a professor of any kind is no label of legitimacy.

For example. William Shockley won the Nobel Prize. He then went on to embrace eugenics and the notion blacks are inferior to whites, at least in terms of intelligence.

There are other professors who embrace similar, even more repulsive view.

I suppose since they are professors, you embrace those bigoted ideas as well- which is not surprising.

In any event, your pitiful pivot and attack attempt to make this about me fails yet again.

Arafat was not a moderate, nor are his minions- and that after all was the gist if what the article was about.

That you consider Arafat a ‘moderate’, given his published remark, ought to surprise on one.

Take another look in the mirror.