
Update on Libya:Updated

Ziggy_TARDIS10/24/2012 7:32:46 pm PDT

re: #8 Dark_Falcon

The Ottomans didn’t fuck around with terrorists. They smashed the Saudi Family into the ground with such force that Wahhabism wouldn’t be promoted again until the 1970’s.

The Ottoman Empire had been dead and buried for 50 years by that time. If the Ottomans had Drones, I don’t think the Saudi Royal Family would even exist.

And, having done research while I was not on here, I don’t see war is necessary to end Saudi. The factors are already setting up to right the wrongs of the Saudis.

And I will not conflate the people of the “country” with that evil-family, or the other Quisling families who support them. I know too many good Saudis. Hell, I’m trying to convince a girl I know there (who went to OU) and her family to immigrate into the US, as she is of a form of Islam the primitive Saudi family doesn’t like, and, for all of the anti-Islam idiots in the US, we are still very, very welcoming overall. Hell, if I had to, I would help with the paperwork.