
Gov. Haley Barbour Praises White Supremacist Group

Fozzie Bear12/20/2010 11:49:16 am PST

re: #87 ggt

Part of LIFE is Death. I consider it a priviledge that I was able to be with my father and arrange the best care I could for him.

Living forever is something I see more metaphysically. I will live thru my off-spring and their off-spring, any of the work I’ve done that survives or is changed by others and then changed by still others …

This is how I think, long term, the message of secularism gets sold. The way we live forever is by ensuring a future for our our families in particular, our species, and life in general. That’s our duty, and it matters above all else. It doesn’t matter because God wants it, or because there is such a thing as right or wrong, it matters because it matters because it matters. We are here, and we want to continue to be here.

The sun doesn’t care, the planet doesn’t care, the stars don’t care, and there isn’t a God to care. We care, because we are capable of caring, and that’s what makes life what it is. That’s what makes it inspire awe. That’s what makes life itself worthy of worship.

I find the idea that I am a little slice of the universe, experiencing the rest of the universe through the lens of my being, and that this is happening all over this planet trillions of times over, inspires more awe than anything I have ever seen from a religion. The universe can sprout little eyes, and look back inside itself. And those little eyes are us.

How can a God be cooler than that?