
Overnight Open Thread

Talking Point Detective2/22/2011 6:29:53 am PST

So I was checking out the “stalker’ blog and read that their fearless leader posted this:

Are you a creationist, Daedalus?

I’m not a creationist and I’m not a Darwinist. I think its possible humans aren’t from this planet. In short, I don’t give a shit how I got here. I’m concerned with the here and now.

and this:

No I always believed in an non Earth origins theory for humanity. It’s possible that Humanity did start here but that humans developed elsewhere and some refugees came 10-20,000 years ago.
All civilizations have legends of people who come from the sky. I don’t think we were create din 6 days nor do I think we come from monkies.
This isn’t an issue I get worked over.

OK - the theory that we “came from monkies [sic]” is too far-fetched… so he believes we came from another planet?

Too feakin’ funny.