
Egyptian women protesters forced to take 'virginity tests'

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)4/07/2011 5:23:01 pm PDT

re: #89 Buck

She states clearly that it was statutory rape, Buck.

Me in high school having consensual sex with my older-by-two-and-a-half-years boyfriend met the statutory rape definition, but was most certainly consensual and not in any way violent.

If she came forward and said she was raped, I would believe her and I would have no problem characterizing it as forced.

She’s saying that she had sex that fits the definition of statutory rape.

So, Buck, was she raped?

This entire long rigamarole is because you are trying to insist that these Republicans weren’t opposed to abortions for rape victims— while right now, there are GOP members openly saying that they’re opposed to abortions for rape victims. So why on earth, why the fuck, why the hell are you torturing yourself and language like this? Why have you let yourself get to this state?