
Video: Herman Cain's Bizarre New Advertisement

Gus10/24/2011 6:59:57 pm PDT

re: #71 Gus 802

Any one know who made this stupid video?

I’m wondering if it might be Little Bonanza Productions LLC.

Hey Charles. This might be the production company. Not sure yet. But this guy has received 100,000s dollars already from the Cain camp. His name is Chris Burgard and is also a contributor to Big Government. He made a movie called “Border” which has a page at the SPLCenter:

Video Vigilantism
Nativist Documentary Coming Back to Life

The lack of drama captured on the Mexican border in the documentary film “Border” is more than made up for by melodrama sparked when its creator, Chris Burgard, travels in 2006 to Washington, D.C. to wander the halls of Congress.

First, he interviews California Republican Congressman Dana Rohrabacher, who once called a proposed guest worker program “the foul odor that’s coming out of the United States Senate” and argued that it wouldn’t really be a problem if all the Mexican farmworkers in America were rounded up and deported because prisoners could pick the nation’s fruits and vegetables. True to form, Rohrabacher spouts off about undocumented immigrants using emergency rooms “as if it’s their HMO” and overcrowding schools at the expense of “ordinary kids.” Next, Burgard arrives at the office of House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi. He tries to open the door and — oh no! “It’s locked. Oh my lord,” Burgard exclaims incredulously, although he had no appointment. And then, bitterly: “Well, it’s been a big day. They took down Tom DeLay today.”

That comment dates “Border.” Burgard shot his film in 2005 and 2006, and it began screening in early 2007. Burgard was briefly a nativist media darling, interviewed by right-wing TV personalities like Lou Dobbs, Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity. Burgard also promoted his film by appearing, among other places, at a screening in Hazleton, Pa., known for targeting undocumented immigrants with harsh local laws.

Burgard has little use for such mushy-headed sentimentality. Less than a minute later, the camera is back to Simcox. “One hundred nine people with known ties to terrorist groups were caught coming across this border last year,” he intones. Simcox offers no evidence for his eyebrow-raising claim, and Burgard doesn’t press him for any. “Border Patrol catches one in four. How many of them get in?”

The latest quarterly report from the FEC is available here:

Get the October one and you can see Little Bonanza Productions LLC/Chris Burgard all over the place.