
Video: Rachel Maddow on the Increasingly Bizarre GOP Agenda

Lidane6/19/2013 6:41:27 am PDT

re: #84 piratedan

but you can’t trust the CBO, all wingnuts know that, why they’re consistently anti-Republican in their non-partisanship!

Hilariously, all the nutters are having a fit of ZOMG RINO rage over this:

Norquist: CBO Report Shows That Immigration Is ‘Key To Economic Growth’

Anti-tax crusader Grover Norquist responded to the Congressional Budget Office’s Tuesday report that projected the Senate immigration reform bill would increase U.S. population by 10.4 million and would decrease federal budget deficits by $197 billion over the next ten years.

“Today’s CBO score is more evidence that immigration is key to economic growth,” Norquist said in a press release Tuesday afternoon. “Immigration reform will jumpstart America’s economy and reduce our national debt. And because CBO employed the type of dynamic analysis conservatives have long clamored for, we have a full accounting of both the costs and benefits of reform. I urge Congress to fix our broken immigration system for the sake of the American economy.”