
Stephen Colbert: Donald Trump and Fox & Friends vs. Global Warming

Justanotherhuman1/08/2014 2:32:20 pm PST

The FWST does journalism? What?

Ft. Worth Star-Telegram apologizes for Obamacare story

“The Ft. Worth Star-Telegram’s executive editor apologized to readers this week for a story it published in November about the trouble people were having getting affordable insurance under the Affordable Care Act.

“In a column teased on Monday’s front page, Jim Witt said the reporter and editor of the story did not do their due diligence to discover the background of the people profiled in the story, some of whom turned out to have tea party connections and were actually able to obtain more affordable coverage through Obamacare.

“Knowing the background of the person quoted can give readers important clues about someone’s motives, but you didn’t learn that from reading our story, because we neglected to investigate the background of the people we quoted. That’s something you learn to do in Journalism 101. I remember my old professor saying, ‘If your mother says she loves you … check it out,’” Witt wrote. “