
"Prosperity" Preacher Kenneth Copeland: Ted Cruz Is "Anointed" by God to Be President

FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt'n 😷 Trips2/05/2016 4:51:06 pm PST

More election season excitement:
NC 1st & 12th Congressional District gerrymandered along racial lines.
Federal court strikes down NC congressional district maps

RALEIGH, N.C. — Three federal appellate judges on Friday threw out the congressional voting maps the Republican-led General Assembly drew five years ago, ruling that two districts were gerrymandered along racial lines.

The ruling throws the March 15 primary into chaos, as the judges ordered state lawmakers to redraw the maps within two weeks and not to hold any elections for U.S. House until the maps are in place. A special session of the legislature would have to be called to approve new maps, they also might have to pass federal muster again.