
John Oliver Dismantles the Awful Saga of Trump & Syria [VIDEO]

Targetpractice10/28/2019 1:27:01 pm PDT

Here’s the thing: Obama didn’t need to make his balls feel big by describing events that he did not personally witness or constantly use “we” to describe the actions of the men he trusted to carry out the raid. Or talk up the significance of the raid by suggesting that it was bigger than any prior president’s accomplishment or that his predecessor had failed at the task. He gave a short, concise statement that conveyed the significance of the event without turning it into a grotesque end zone dance.

By the way, will we ever hear Charlie and his fellow chucklefucks clutch their pearls over how Donny’s description of the raid and efforts to get video footage of such out will “endanger” those soldiers who took part in it? All signs point to “FUCK NO!”