
Overnight Open Thread

Northern Bandit2/20/2009 7:58:19 am PST

re: #866 soxfan4life

Obama and his socialist cohorts are a lost cause, but we’ll survive.

On defense he is looking more promising (having thrown the Left overboard).

He has committed 17,000 more troops to Afghanistan.

I will remind everyone here, that exactly THREE out of TWENTY-TWO nations have made good on their commitment in Afghanistan so far. Those three are:

1. United States Of America
2. United Kingdom
3. Canada

Australia has also commited troops, but unlike Canada took up the Iraq cause and therefor concentrated their efforts on that front.

Here in Canada we are faced with a choice between mealy-mouthed politicians. Only one, Stephen Harper, has pledged to keep our troops and material flowing. Canada has lost over 150 troops in Afghanistan (on a pop percentage level, equal to 1,500 US - but one Canuck = one US in God’s eye, of course).

Obama was in Canada this week spreading his love. Glad I’m in Turkey to avoid it.