
Robert Spencer Joins Genocidal Facebook Group

medaura185862/12/2009 10:21:58 am PST

re: #387 William_Ryan

Right - because, hey, joining a group that’s such a lightning rod would do wonders for his reputation right? It makes perfect sense that he’d publicly join a group with such extreme views. If this was some private group that the public couldn’t see— then I’d be a lot more inclined to believe its intentional.

I’m just some computer geek and occassional facebook user and I’ve gotten as many as 20 group invites in a day before (not saying I get that many every day by any means, but when it rains it pours) - and to clear out my box and get people to quit bugging me I’ve hit accept before.

I guess by your standard anyone commits such an oversight is stupid and someone like you could never do such a thing but to the rest of us that aren’t so perfect, it’s not an uncommon thing to do.

And I’m sure if he did do it by accident, and he quits the group, it’ll no doubt be proof that he’s guilty right? As opposed to showing he made a mistake.

What about this group he has joined? He’s in their board of directors. I can guarantee you their views are no less extreme than those of the would-be re-conquistadors of Anatolia.

Members and associates include people blacklisted by the Pentagon for terrorism in the Balkans, defense witnesses of Slobo the Butcher Milosevic, lobbyists for Vladimir Putin’s cronies in Urkaine, flaming supporters of Radovan Karadzic, and former advisers of Biljana Plavsic.

Any toll these associations make take on his reputation was never a deterrent to him. Why would joining a rabidly insane Facebook group, a much more mundane action, be of more significance to him?