
Jon Stewart's Clash of the Teatans

Kruk4/14/2010 9:17:42 pm PDT

re: #912 albusteve

when is that the case? hardly the norm…
I was trashed by LVQ because I collected my meager SS disability after forty years of paying into it, claiming I was arrogant to think I deserved it…and he posted it on a dead thread long after I’d logged off…one solution is to get more people working and paying into it, but mark my word…we are looking at 7 or 7.5 unemployment for a long time…and I bet BO will claim a victory for it

I wasn’t speaking about you personally at all, but about Medicare and Social Security in general. With greatly increased life expectancy, increasing health care costs and the losses taken in the recent crisis, we’ve reached the point where they are paying out more in benefits than they are taking in. That’s only going to get worse with the boomer bulge, which can only be sustained by younger taxpayers paying for benefits to others they are unlikely to get themselves. That’s why I don’t see Medicare or Social Security as being different from any other entitlment, and hypocritcal to put them in a seperate ‘deserving’ category.