
Wednesday Night Acoustic Jam: Jon Gomm, Dance of the Last Rhino

Chrysicat11/05/2014 8:46:03 pm PST

I’ve noticed a lot of people criticizing people from running away from President Obama over the past couple of days.

And I am not being a concern troll, and I hope Stinky doesn’t bounce me for this, but…isn’t there the possibility that trying to back the President is throwing bad money after good? It’s not the quantity of executive orders, it’s the substance of what some of them do. The executive is supposed to be the weakest branch, or at least coequal—weren’t we agreeing to that when Bush tried the ‘unitary executive’ crap? If Bush should have been impeached and convicted, Obama might be in the same boat.

In which case, all the circling the wagons that I see Charles encouraging might be akin to the Rs rallying around Nixon after the Plumbers were ID’d.

Like I said, not a concern troll, not intended to be a flounce; I know I’ll get heavily down-dinged, but can we take that thought into account as to why people were running away from the president…and maybe even take into account that an honest person would vote to convict, if the Articles the House draws up call out the right real crime?