
Now for Something Weird: Yello, "Waba Duba"

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷6/27/2020 3:26:27 am PDT

Hemant Mehta feels genuinely bad for this particular Catholic woman, and gently uses the “I didn’t think the leopard would eat my face” argument (and saying that), in regards to a Catholic church firing their long-time and well-loved music director after someone outed her in a same-sex marriage.

It doesn’t matter that the members of the parish demanded she be restored; sorry folks, that’s not how churches work.

Such bigotry is allowed under the I Amendment if you’re a church.

(8:21, caution for disdain for the people who support bigotry)

A Catholic Church Fired Its Beloved Music Director for Marrying a Woman