
Overnight Open Thread

Sharmuta1/13/2010 2:26:50 am PST

Wingnuts are funny:

“If somehow, miraculously, I got elected lieutenant governor, I’d make an effort to get back some of our rights — right to freedom of speech, freedom of association and other Constitution-Bill of Rights things that have been taken away from us,” Garritano said.

I’m sorry, did I say wingnut? I meant MOONBAT.

My name is Peter Garritano. I grew up in Delaware and moved to Vermont in 1993 with my wife and two kids. I became interested in politics and the United States’ place in the world after 9/11. I read theologian David Ray Griffin’s The New Pearl Harbor [troofer book- ed.] and have never looked back. I read any new information I can daily relating to 9/11 .

And there’s this:

Progressive Thought: Host Terry Jeroloman and Guest Peter Garritano

So nice the secessionist movement could be bi-partisan.