
Changelog: On Torture

Fozzie Bear11/04/2010 2:14:17 pm PDT

What a heap of soulless bags of shit we have become.

If you defend torture as a practice, you aren’t anything other than a psychopath in my mind. I am continually astounded at the number of people, safe behind their veil of anonymity and in the warmth of their own homes, who have no problem condoning the most abhorrent of behaviors on their behalf, who would scream and cry bloody murder about their rights were the same tactics ever employed on themselves, and who would never even begin to approach having the amount of balls it would take to perform such horrific acts themselves.

Some of you just don’t fucking get what this country is about. We are a nation of laws which apply to every single fucking one of us, without ANY exception, or we have nothing for which to fight other than our mere survival. If you expect a trial when accused of a crime, no matter how horrible, and deny the rights of others to expect the same, then you do not deserve the right to call yourself a citizen.