
Jonathan Coulton With Suzanne Vega: Now I Am an Arsonist

Birth Control Works3/30/2012 11:26:35 pm PDT

re: #82 ggt

Well, I know I favorited it, but I can’t find it.

My list of mind-recking changes in the world that account for the cognitive dissonance we see in some individuals yearning to Restore the Republic to some Mythical Utopian Past.

This is what I can remember of the list of Things We Never Thought We’d see in Our Lifetime:

UPDATED (Per Varek’s research):
1-the Earth tilted on it’s axis 13 FEET—Chilean Earthquake
2-We lost a 1.8 microsecondS or two from our day —Chilean Earthquake
4-Arab Spring
5-China exploring the Free Market concept
6-Spock in touch with his feelings (my personal wig-out)
7-a Black Man in the White House
9-Greenland is Green

What else? Anyone? Please contribute …