
Huge EXCLUSIVE: 'Illegal' Scheduled to Testify on Immigration

jaunte2/09/2013 11:20:31 am PST

re: #83 Gus

Like “race realists” we can call these people “anti-Semitic realists.”

Or just plain racists.

Bill Johnson, MacDonald’s partner at American Third Position, (endorsed by Ron Paul in a run for LA Superior Court Judge) leader of a Ron Paul meetup group, and author of the “Pace Amendment.”

“No person shall be a citizen of the United States unless he is a non-Hispanic white of the European race, in whom there is no ascertainable trace of Negro blood, nor more than one-eighth Mongolian, Asian, Asia Minor, Middle Eastern, Semitic, Near Eastern, American Indian, Malay or other non-European or non-white blood, provided that Hispanic whites, defined as anyone with an Hispanic ancestor, may be citizens if, in addition to meeting the aforesaid ascertainable trace and percentage tests, they are in appearance indistinguishable from Americans whose ancestral home is the British Isles or Northwestern Europe. Only citizens shall have the right and privilege to reside permanently in the United States.”