
Palin's Attorney Threatening Lawsuits

Linda Mae7/06/2009 11:49:00 pm PDT

Just spent an hour on the Alaska state web site downloading news articles about Palin’s ethics challenges. In each one, some one mentions the cost of money and time stolen from the citizens of Alaska and the personal cost to Palin. She is not as rich as other governors. She gave up her raise this year. The challenges are just plain ridiculous. She - and the state of Alaska - are being harasses by Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals #4: make someone walk their talk. Palin has made her name from the ethics reforms she brought forth in the state so she is being harassed with phony ethics violations. Once filed, they are supposed to be private until resolved. The bloggers who file them - paid for by DNC - then make them public contrary to the law. I can see the concern of Palin and those who have to deal with the charges - 15 silly ones so far - with more on the horizon. If only the State could sue those bloggers who file them but they can’t. Ironically, Palin runs a transparent government. Unlike someone we know.