
Turkish Journalist Who Took Cropped Photos Tied to IHH

Slumbering Behemoth Stinks6/09/2010 10:36:41 pm PDT

Bottom line for me…

Islam is not a religion of peace, and should not be recognized as such until it undergoes a vast and significant reformation.

Until the majority, rather than the minority, of it’s adherents and clerics openly and actively denounce and renounce the practice of “holy murder” for homosexuals simply for being homosexual, the status of women as property not much elevated from cattle, and the prosecution of jihad and submission by the sword, among many other egregious practices commonly accepted as the will of Allah in the muslim world at large, it should not be seen as a faith on equal footing with other faiths. As it stands now, it is not a religion of peace.

And on that note, GWB can kiss my ass for that line of BS.