
Jon Stewart's Clash of the Teatans

928 9:42:18 pm PDT

re: #925 Kruk

The majority of people pay taxes during their working age years. When working, they pay taxes that go towards benefit programs, and when not working, they benefit from them. In that sense, I don’t see any difference between those entitlements and Medicare/Social Security. The point I’m making is that it’s hyocritical to claim that some benefit programs are ‘deserved’ and therefore excemt from the need for financial austerity, and others are ‘wastefull’ or go towards the ‘undeserving’.

I’ll have to read up and see who was talking about folks being “undeserving”.
I don’t get it, either way, to begrudge someone whatever assistance or entitlement or funding they get.

I’ll take a welfare queen or two if it means people who really need a hand up can get it.

My only issue is where is the point where the balance has shifted so that there are not enough people working and paying to fund the programs in effect. My issue is with the programs and how they are run and administered, not with any person.