
Utah Governor Huntsman to GOP: 'You Can't Just Say No'

jcbunga4/29/2009 12:37:25 pm PDT

Can anyone say that ANY politicians in office today are worthy?

The Dems are so far left that FDR, JFK and LBJ wouldn’t be allowed at the convention today. Do they even get quoted anymore?

The Republicans have fled from Reaganism and are bewildered why they’ve lost the power they had.

Even those truly devoted to serving the people, and they are few in number, have to admit that whatever they’ve tried to maintain a representative government has failed.

There’s not a damn one of them on either side who is worthy of the job, the people or the sacrifices made by the military. They ALL need to go.

The comedic feature of Spector is that any Republican would be shocked. He saw his poll numbers and fled. To this crowd that’s not a failing, it’s a strategy.

Throw them all out and start over.