
BNP on the Brink of Political Legitimacy?

yma o hyd5/02/2009 10:38:14 am PDT

re: #75 Wishbone

UKIP are only kooks ‘cos they haven’t the political and traditional provenance of the tories or labour, Yma. In the same way that the difference between insane and eccentric is about 20 million quid in the bank.

At the very least, they have the right idea about getting us out of the EU and asserting a little common sense in our national dealings with the rest of the world.

Ok - the pity is though that they don’t keep to that single theme, of getting out of Europe and while we’re in, to show what mess our mainstream aprties are getting us into, in the EU.
Some of heir representatives unfortunately do come up with pretty off-the-wall things when asked about general stuff.

Above all, they would have no chance if the mainstream politicians did their job properly, and didn’t just enrich themselves the way they do.