
Friedersdorf: Rush the Race-Baiter

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus10/19/2009 1:05:09 pm PDT

I noticed that RL Simon posted an article on his PJM last night, in which he basically states there is little racism in this country. This in the context of the Limbaugh controversy.

Unfortunatley for RLS, his commenters have proven him to be out of touch with American society, or at least out of sync with his own audience, where arguments over racism per se has turned into an ugly continuation of racism-inspired language. Lots of angst in those comments. (Even a link to the Harpy.)

RLS ignores the problem with his own writers, such as RSM, who of course he doesn’t mention in the article. So it is no wonder that he ignores the problems of Limbaugh. RLS, and other defenders of Limbaugh, want everyone to believe that the only reason people see the racism in Limbaugh’s remarks is because Al Sharpton has fooled people. For myself, over the years I came to the conclusion that Limbaugh was playing on the hatred of many groups, including disenfranchised “white” people who feel aggrieved over items such as affirmative action.

RLS also totally ignores the several clearly racist images coming out of GOP operatives… the last count I saw was I think 13. Now, perhaps RLS would claim that only those 13 people were the racists… I tend to believe that the people sending out those images know their fellow members and constituents well.

Why so many on the “right” keep falling on their swords for a man (Limbaugh) whose lifetime radio schtick is to reinforce the prejudices in the minds of angry people, not just in “racism” per se but on other topics, is a story in itself.