
Was Rep. Weiner's Account Hacked? The Question is Irrelevant

Mattand6/02/2011 9:13:59 am PDT
Why are the media ignoring this strongly exculpatory evidence, and continuing to focus on the likelihood of “hacking” Rep. Weiner’s password? Is this too technical for them to understand?

Two words: false balance.

A buddy of mine claims to now be “independent” politically after years of keeping his ears glued to Limbaugh and conservative radio. However, whenever one criticizes someone on the right, his first response is to find a counter example of similar behavior on the left and shout, “See, they do it, too!”

IMO: organizations like CNN and the NYT, supposed liberal bulwarks, actually understand people think this way and play it up (or dumb it down) in their coverage. They get their assess kicked by Fox News in both ratings and ad revenue, and are trying to catch up any way they can.

And as elitist as this may sound, a good chunk of America can’t or won’t try to grasp the subtitles that Charles/LGF has pointed out in this situation. I take no pleasure in thinking like this, but I know too many people who wouldn’t know critical thought if it came up and bit them in the cerebral cortex.