
Hate-Monger Fjordman Back to Writing After Breivik Furor Declines

Killgore Trout10/26/2011 1:09:51 pm PDT

re: #91 Simply Sarah

Well, that’s at least in part because the markets take that as a sign that their stream of goodies isn’t going to be allowed to dry up. I mean, yes, they react well to it, but that doesn’t mean the system itself is right or correct.

If there’s a realistic and practical real world alternative I’d be happy to hear it. As far as the “stream of goodies” goes I think that’s an issue for OWS supporters as well. Most people just want things to go back to “normal” so we can all get back to running up credit cards to buy shit we don’t need and easy mortgages for houses we can’t afford. I can guarantee you that once this crisis is over we’ll immediately revert to the same behavior that got us here.