
Video: Prime Burger

Targetpractice2/01/2012 8:59:32 pm PST

re: #89 Gus 802

So really. We’re hell bent on destroying the atmosphere, the climate, the ground water supplies, surface water supplies, etc. All to power a bunch of stupid cars and trucks for the most part. With little or no concern for our future. And this mostly coming from a bunch of people who are always talking about the debt’s “impact on our future generations.” I got news for them. Our debt is going to look like a walk in the park compared to irreversible ecological destruction. You can’t pay your bills when you can’t breath.

Why do you buy into all this ‘global warming’ hype? Just because we have one winter that’s warmer than last year’s doesn’t mean the world’s comin’ to an end! Why, I remember one winter when I walked in shorts every day, and we didn’t hear scientists bitchin’! What, you gonna pay my bills for all your fancy shit like solar panels and windmill?!