
Live Video: Mitt Romney Speaks at CPAC, Sharing Billing With White Nationalists

Kragar2/10/2012 10:55:56 am PST

CPAC: Christians Have Been too Nice and Need to Stop Compromising

During a panel at CPAC on “The Role of Faith, Life, & Family in Our Culture & the 2012 Elections,” the panelists claimed that the slippery slope toward gay marriage all began when people started accepting the idea of recognizing the legitimacy pf gay relationships by granting civil unions, and Andy Blom, Executive Director of the American Principles Project, blamed it on the fact that Christians just don’t want to be mean and called on Christians to be aggressive in defending their values and refuse to compromise:

How do 2 consenting adults exercising their private civil rights oppress a person’s religious beliefs? If you don’t believe in gay marriage, then don’t marry a homosexual and quit butting in where you aren’t wanted.