
Misogynist Talk Show Hater Rush Limbaugh Honored by Missouri at Secret Event

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)5/15/2012 1:01:20 pm PDT

re: #87 Ascher

Well, be prepared to wind up looking like an oversensitive reactionary, as you are in this case. Which really, really doesn’t help the image of Israel.

And Jimmah’s comment is in reaction to this:

An infant born amid the thunder of hostile artillery and invading troops; brought into the world in the aftermath of unimaginable slaughter. And you expect the adult Israel to behave as if everything is OK when she is threatened?

Which, to me, is a pretty silly question. Who is the ‘you’ that you’re addressing? What is ‘behaving as if everything is okay’? Etc.