
Inauguration Day 1

jcbunga1/20/2009 10:00:59 am PST

As a group—and we are a group at LGF—I hope we can avoid supplanting the whacko venom spewers we’ve witnessed and not replace BDS with ODS. I was very proud and relieved at how LGF commented on the news of Teddy Kennedy’s ailment, to give just one example of how we have been different.

Now we have an opportunity to continue the commentary and fact checking that’s been missing in the MSM, and made the evolution of this type of forum so remarkable.

I hope the country succeeds. With or without BO, it’s not important how. In the end it’s always the people who save the country’s bacon, not the leaders.

Internet space like this can be the modern Federalist Papers or it can be a sewer. We can carry on or fold up the tent.

I prefer to carry on in the spirit of Publius. I hope this forum can continue to be a place to think, laugh, be serious and silly.