
Overnight Hopen Thread

Lincolntf1/21/2009 7:04:45 am PST

Morning all. Wow, yesterday was a doozy.
Now that we’ve entered the Age of Obamanation, I’m going to try to keep track of how the media changes it’s tone. I’m sure a real blogger will do it better than me, but I’m dying to see how fast the media changes gears regarding the economy, the War, even global warming. Obviously, today’s paper was filled with fawning coverage of the Inauguration , so it doesn’t count.
Anyone remember seeing a study that came out after Clinton’s first year in Office? Something like 1,000 articles on homelessness had appeared in major papers during the last year of GHW Bush’s term, and something like twenty appeared during the first year of Clinton. I expect that by the end of this year, there’ll be an even more dramatic shift on key issues.