
Klinghoffer Speaks for Maimonides

realwest7/22/2009 7:34:03 am PDT

re: #824 Pianobuff
With all due respect, no the Republicans do NOT have to come up with an alternative plan. We can do what the Dems’ did in Congress when Bush was POTUS: Not suggest ONE DAMNED POSITIVE IDEA.
Besides which, it will take a LOT of time and some moral backbone for government to try to figure this healthcare crap out much less propose an alternative. IF the GOP can’t understand it (and they can’t, no one on the Dem side - who wrote it without ANY INPUT FROM REPUBLICANS AT ALL can’t understand it, how the hell can the GOP understand it well enough to come up with an alternative?!

Folks THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY OWNS THE US GOVERNMENT (and some big parts of US industry as well). Just remember that.