
Boehner: Obama's Climate Change Proposal Is 'Absolutely Crazy' Because Jobs

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus6/22/2013 2:11:08 pm PDT

Getting back to the topic of the thread - I’m already seeing articles streaming by on the “hiatus”/”halt” to global warming since 1998. Over the next 72 hours, leading up to Obama’s announcement, I expect a flood of these things, and afterwards even more. Mostly coming from the usual suspects.

So, the President’s team is not daft. They know that there will be a big counter movement on this topic, and the chance of getting anything through Congress is zilch. I wonder if Obama isn’t doing this now in order to start the 2014 election campaign, as a way of defining “them” and “us” to energize the Democratic base.

Ok, call me cynical (I am).