
A Public Service Message From the Klan: Not All KKK Members Support Donald Trump

Scottish Dragon3/08/2016 3:59:38 pm PST

re: #84 Nyet

I had to look it up and I still can’t figure out WTF bee Dreher has in his bonnet on that one.

Basically, Dreher hates the modern world as it exists and he really hates the Enlightenment. He say that a lot.

Imagine his shock last month when he visited Jefferson’s home at Monticello and didn’t realize that Jefferson was the epitome of Enlightenment rationality and that our Revolution was largely predicated on Enlightenment principle.

At least Dreher had enough self awareness to admit he likely would have been a Tory and opposed the Revolution back at that time.

But Dreher really is a rare kind of strange bird who is utterly at war with modern thought and the scientific method, and who openly admits he would rather live in the time of the Tudors (where gays and heretics knew their place…roasting over a fire) because their sense of time was (I kid you not) “sacramental”.