
John Oliver Tells Us More Than We Ever Wanted to Know About the National Debt

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus4/05/2021 1:23:32 pm PDT

re: #90 PhillyPretzel

Although it is based on a true story it does not follow the usual pattern. Atlantic Crossing on PBS.

Norwegian crown princess - the backstory to the current Norwegian royal line is that Norway had to reboot its monarchy as the old ones (during the viking era) had long died out, and having been under Danish rule for so long, then briefly Swedish rule, Norway didn’t have much to go on in regards to royalty.

Personally I think they should have just gone with a republic and dumped the who monarchy thing.

The Martha of this PBS series was, indeed, a Swedish Princess.

During WWII some of Norway’s ruling politicians were in refuge in Switzerland, like many others. Including one of my 4th cousins 2x removed, IIRC, who was a Norwegian minister at that time.

All this history was not that long ago.

But in America our current political chatter is so far removed from this era, it seems.