
Pro-Walker Bus Tour Ends with a Whimper

palomino3/06/2011 9:26:14 pm PST

re: #68 Dark_Falcon

Having thought this matter through, I did have a thought for a compromise on the Wisconsin standoff. My proposal is as follows:

1. Give backs have already been agreed to, they stay.
2. The annual certification requirement is to be dropped.
3. The recension of collective bargaining except for salaries is likewise dropped.
4. The requirement for salary hikes to be approved by referendum is retained.
5. The right of a union to collect dues for a paycheck is retained, but said union must obtain opt-in consent to use any funds from that member for political campaigning and contributions.
6. Teacher tenure to be retained, but firing process to be streamlined for cases of misconduct (not to include subjects taught, i.e. you can’t be fired for teaching evolution).
7. No bid sale of state assets provision to be dropped. Replaced by provision requiring competitive bids.

What do you folks think of that?

Sounds far too reasonable for Walker to agree to. Getting rid of CB to hamstring the unions is the whole point of this, balancing the budget was always secondary.