
Tim Pawlenty, Climate Change Denier (and Creationist)

Birth Control Works6/29/2011 11:50:43 am PDT

re: #91 jamesfirecat

I agree with you because economics is not a zero sum game and thus the idea that by taking your slice of the pie are you depriving someone else of a slice is faulty in the extreme.

Limits towards creating wealth should be minimal (whatever helps the economy and hurts no one should be encouraged is my basic rule of thumb) but by the same token, at the end of the day everyone’s wealth is dependent upon the society they live in and not simply their own talents. Not just by hopefully providing them with a kick in the right direction (schools and libraries) but also because “wealth” is impossible to acquire without people to buy whatever you are selling, and it is meaningless without things to spend it on as generated by other people…

Rand also hated religion. I think what I like is that she championed the individual, which for me, when I read it was important. Coming from and RC upbringing in which martydom was championed, it was a welcome thought process.

There has to be balance.