
Paul Ryan: Obama's Tricking Republicans Into Playing the Villain

Orange Impostor1/26/2013 12:17:50 pm PST

In response to the Twitter “gulag” Godwin-fest from last week, here’s a story done by the very right-of-center “The Commentator” regarding their interaction with a self-described Tea Partier:

Dinner with a Nazi

A young, attractive couple joined my group of dedicated liberty activists for cocktails and dinner one night in downtown New York City in the late summer of 2011.

The man, we’ll call him “Sven”, a handsome blonde of Germanic descent, and his similarly beautiful corn silk-haired girlfriend had been invited to join my friends and I in discussion and debate for the evening. We were all classical liberals, fighting for freedom from oppressive government, for civil rights, liberty and free markets for all.

But that’s not what one young man at the party believed.
During those Tea Party takeover years of 2007 to 2010, American libertarians rose up and either established or blatantly took over major institutions (including my own). There has always been a small element of this conspiracy fringe that has occupied a portion of the debate at events and online suggesting that the president was not born in America, or that he is secretly a Muslim.

Many of these people are simply what you might consider garden-variety conspiracy theorists and are relatively benign. However there are some who are much more and they are dangerous. This is how I met Sven.

I broke the ice with Sven and his girlfriend while another of our crowd ordered us drinks at the bar. It didn’t take long for the conversation to switch to politics. The history of foreign policy came to the forefront. We talked about our belief in free markets, limited government and a non-interventionist foreign policy. It was then that I learned something interesting about our new friend. Sven revealed that he believed the world would have been a better place if Hitler had won World War 2.

I blinked and laughed assuming he must have been joking, but he just stared at me with those steely blue eyes and didn’t laugh back.

I leaned forward and asked in hushed tones… “Are you a Nazi?”

He smiled… and nodded.