
Huckabee Forgets the First Amendment of the US Constitution

Arkay2/11/2009 10:01:53 pm PST

As for your apparently all-encompassing animus to all things Heinlein, do you feel the same way towards, for instance, TANSTAAFL?

The stopped-clock principle, sir, applies here.

If you re-read all of the plethora of Heinlein quotes that people routinely reference, you might rediscover some modicum of insight and value there. Nevertheless, an ad hominem attack upon an author does not debunk an argument, which stands or falls on its own merits and deserts, regardless of its source.>

Well, there is a pattern to Heinlein’s BS, and it is his endless desire to justify his schtuppery. He is worth reading: just not worth quoting in a serious political debate. “The errors of great men are sometimes more instructive than their successes.” - Nietzsche, referring to himself (for good reason), 1888.