
Sunday Afternoon Open

Walter L. Newton3/08/2009 8:22:37 pm PDT

re: #907 TheRealThing

Kilgore Trout

Sorry, but your posts read like a very conservative person.

Maybe a little explanation will help. This is an anti-idiotarian blog. That means it is made up of many different flavors of conservative and libertarian (and a hand full of progressives) commenters.

The primary thing that binds us together is critical thinking. That means we like to deal with science as science, faith as faith, politics as politics and other people as equals.

We have people of all faiths here, not faith and atheists. We have people who believe in a supernatural creation, and a scientific evolution.

We are free-thinkers, and do not follow the beat of any of the folks who think that it’s their way or the highway.
