
Snowden's Lawyer Tricked Into Using Fake PGP Key to Send Email

Blind Frog Belly White4/08/2014 12:38:09 pm PDT

The problem with these ‘you need a gun RIGHT NOW!!!’ things is that there is a grain of truth to it. I know someone whose father actually was faced with a home invasion and responded with deadly force, killing one and wounding the other invader. If they invade your home, and don’t take the precaution of masks, you can’t assume that they’ll leave you alive once they know where the silver and jewelry are kept.

So, yeah, having a gun in a situation like that may save your life.

But those situations are rare, far more rare than ‘angry person shoots friend/wife/lover because gun was at hand’. Perhaps even rarer than accidental shootings. These happen because people become convinced that America is such a dangerous place they need to have a gun to be safe, with the result that there are so many guns that everyone is LESS safe.

An armed society is not necessarily a polite society. It IS, however, a society where more people will get shot.