
And Now, the Best Cat in All of Human History

ObserverArt5/14/2014 1:01:27 pm PDT

Dang it! I’m busy working away and had the previous thread open and commenting in it and didn’t realize I was on an empty bus going nowhere!!!

Anyway, I had posted this comment regarding the protective cat video:

Bad ass cat! He didn’t even hesitate to go in claws first. And the cat kept checking to see where the dog ran off.

Was that an American Bull Dog (Pit Bull)? I know people have nice things to say about many of them, but that reminds me of an attack out in front of my house about a year ago.

A guy was walking his Pit up the street and my next door neighbor was out with his little French Bulldog. My neighbor saw the Pit and asked the guy if he was cool. The pit owner said yeah, not a problem.

Just that quick, the Pit saw the French and went right after the little guy. The Pit bit into the back of the French and picked it up and was about to shake it in his teeth. The owner had to kick the shit out of the Pit to get him to drop the French.

My neighbor was way pissed…but had no time to argue, he grabbed his little dog and jumped in his car to take him to a ‘vet about a mile away. Took some stitches, but his dog was okay overall.

Scary shit how fast it all happened.