
Video: Mars Attacks, Or Maybe It Doesn't

Mad Prophet Ludwig9/13/2009 8:47:26 pm PDT

re: #50 Salamantis

The most recent climate science indicates that solar fluctuations have a much greater effect upon terrestrial climate than had previously been maintained:




Sal, this is the 11 year solar cycle, and it is specifically talking about one part of the climate in one part of the world. Even if the sun is giving us a break, then do take into acount that we are still warming even though we are getting a break, and then what happens when it gets back to normal.

What will happen is that CO2 concentrations that are still causeing warming even when we are getting a break, will cause even more warming next cycle.

What pisses me off about this, is that you have been told this again and again by me and coracle at least five times each by both of us, and yet, you still keep bringing this as if it is a question./

Will you just stop saying the same wrong stuff over and over, and understand the science that you yourself are bringing?