
Bill Press: The Fairness Doctrine Will Let Me 'Make Money'

lawhawk2/17/2009 11:21:37 am PST
I know why I’m interested in it because I get up every morning at 3:45, I do three hours of talk radio every day from six to nine, that’s my life, it’s my business, I want to make money at it, and I want to be heard.

If you have something that people want to hear, you’ll make money. If not, you wont.

I don’t make money from my blog, but that doesn’t mean I should shutter folks like DKos, Andy Sullivan, TMZ, Perez Hilton, Charles or Hot Air or other profitable bloggers to even the playing field.

That’s precisely what Press is calling for in the radio and television marketplace and it shows that he is incapable of surviving in a marketplace of ideas without the crutch and club of the Fairness Doctrine which is inherently and fundamentally unfair and goes against the very ideals of Freedom of Speech.

Anyone can get themselves a tv or radio show, but it doesn’t mean you’ll be profitable at it. Just ask SiriusXM. They’re in the throes of being bankrupt (saved by Liberty Media as I write). Those who can make money will survive in a marketplace of ideas; those who can’t wont.