
Krauthammer: Obama's Settlements Canard

n2stox6/05/2009 10:27:46 am PDT

Yesterday I posted that Obama made no policy utterances. Then, upon re-reading the speech, I realized the exact same thing as Krauthammer.

The only policy he noted was the the US rejects the settlements. Apparently we don’t reject rocket firings and kidnappings, just the settlements.

How can one not notice that in a land with the same natural resources, the same geography, the same pretty much everything, that Israel is a beacon of development and progress for humankind? It is a center of civilization surrounded by a swamp of degenerates.

It’s like the differences between N and S Korea, but possibly even more marked.

Palestinians don’t even have a state and they are a failure. They’ve shown no ability to govern, no ability to live by a rule of law. Granted, there are other countries that have the same characteristics, but those are utter failures, too. Israel pulls out of Gaza, and what do they get in return? Over 7,000 rockets launched at them by Hamas.

Giving a state to such a regime would be giving a state to a culture of death and destruction.