
Obama's Deal with the GOP

Spocomptonite12/06/2010 11:23:11 pm PST

re: #71 Fozzie Bear

Ok, somebody explain to me the underpinning of the idea that lower taxes on the wealthy creates jobs, in a way that doesn’t sound nuts.


I don’t understand it myself, either. How are jobs created by lowering the tax rates on income that comes *out* of businesses? The gross income, and thus the cost to businesses for employment, remains the same whether tax rates were 0% or 99%.

Even when that trickle-down crap is given as an explanation, that doesn’t work either. Tax breaks on 1% of Americans isn’t going to do much of anything for the economy, regardless of where they lie on the income spectrum. And super-high incomes aren’t a linear extrapolation of my low-income spending. Someone who makes 100x as much as I do doesn’t buy 100x as much food or 100x as many goods as I do.

It’s like anti-logic, yet they still adhere to it like its 2+2=4.