
Fake Outrage of the Day: Obama Campaign 'Targets' Innocent Businessman

Conn. Lawyer5/13/2012 12:59:43 am PDT

What happened here? The president published a list of Republican donors whom he claimed were evil people. Then operatives hired by the Democratic Party (what did the President know and when did he know it?) started digging for dirt on these donors. Is the president also asking the federal law enforcement authorities and tax authorities to review everything these donors ever did with a fine-tooth comb? Charles thinks this is all just peachy.

What’s the next step? Maybe the parties should start hiring investigators to dig up dirt on reporters, blog owners and even people who comment on blogs. Why should anyone be immune? Why should you or I be immune? If you dare get involved, maybe you should be prepared to have everything embarrassing you ever did made public in a splashy way. Of course, only evil people have ever done anything illegal or embarrassing in their lives. Only evil people have ugly divorces and DUIs.

Is this the world you want to live in, Charles? If you get involved in politics, even just as a donor, all bets are off, and you are a fair target? Or do the new rules only apply to those who support the wrong policies and the wrong politicians?